Tag Archives: i have decided to be joan holloway for halloween this year

Stuff Heather Thinks is Super Great

Writing this blog post on Friday(s) like I am supposed to. Oh, wouldn’t it be fabulous if I remembered to do that!  Sorry I have been so poor at this in the past weeks.  I could list some rote excuses, but it is August now and I have spent enough of my summer being self-pitying/martyristic.

Molecular structure model kits. Mostly, I’m saying this because I am sitting on Rachel and Emma’s sofa, looking at one of these kits on the coffee table.  Molecular models also inspired my friend and I once to write a musical entitled Chemistry: The Musical, a medieval-era romance with the noble gases as knights errant.  Tagline: “An Attraction for All Time.”  (It never really got off the ground.)

Mad Men is back! Mad Men is back! Anyone who is surprised to hear my excitement,  raise your hand.

Dried kiwi. I feel like I would be a terrible food critic, because all I ever have to say about food is either “yum” or “ew.”  In this case, “yum.”

Vegetarian junk food. Emma, offering suggestions for this post: “How about [vegetarian restaurant]?”  Me: “Yeah, that’s pretty good.”  Emma: “Dare I say, super great?”

Second-floor porches. Emma and Rachel have one here and I envy them.  Actually, I envy anyone who has a porch, regardless what floor it’s on.  I have a stoop, but it’s not the same.  Stoops are not made for hanging out, that’s the problem.  I have trouble sitting on the stoop without feeling simultaneously like A) a ten-year-old child and B) like I should find something productive to do with my time.

This article on Jezebel. I find this interesting, largely because I think the author’s right: culturally, we take marriage way less seriously, despite all the conservative media talk of “the sanctity of marriage” and blah blah.  I’m not sure how much I agree with the rest of her argument — that we grow up learning to treat other people like consumable goods — but having been dumped by friends before, and habitually told by others that I have “high standards” for others and am (perhaps contradictorily) “too loyal,” I have to wonder.  Does the author have a legitimate point?  Are we raised to see relationships with others as always possibly restricting or even toxic?  Do we all have too-high standards for relationships, expecting the most customizably suitable interactions?  I don’t want to believe this is true.  But then that question brings on a whole debate on how selfish interpersonal relationships can be, anyway, how they are so rarely perfectly symbiotic, where do you draw the line between reflective narcissism and altruism, and I really can’t think about this anymore or my head will burst, plus Emma’s clearly bored waiting around for me to wrap up this post, so good afternoon, readers, and good luck.

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