Stuff Rachel Fucking Hates

Vogue Evolution was kicked off America’s Best Dance Crew. I don’t know if I have mentioned here how upset I am about this. I am very upset. Did they not see the part where  Leiomy vaulted over EVERYONE ELSE’S BACKS in HEELS? I haven’t watched this show since out of anger and disappointment, even though I love We Are Heroes. (And I have to admit that while I wanted to see VE stay, the routine that We Are Heroes beat them with was incredibly fucking good.)

My baby brother just turned 18! Aside from the potpourri of emotions that this would normally engender (my brother can’t even remember to turn off the stove, but now he can vote?!), it was also pretty much the first birthday that I didn’t get to see him for, because he is now Off At College. I had to settle for calling him late at night when I got off work and hearing about how much fun he had without me. Not the same, you know?

The “k” and “o” keys on my keyboard are not doing so hot. Do you have any idea how often you use the letter o? You don’t until it’s really hard to do. Take it from me. Also, didn’t someone try to write a novel once without using the letter e? What a weird idea.

I am officially following Lindsay Lohan on twitter just so I can stay abreast of her relationship with Samantha Ronson. I did not know I was the kind of person who cared about these things, but apparently I was wrong. Sometimes self-realization is really sobering/embarrassing. Judge if you want; I guess I have to come to terms with the fact that I am actually bizarrely invested in the outcome of their relationship.

When people have gay haircuts but are not actually gay. This is a corollary of my previously stated hatred for fake gay people. Ana Marie Cox, I am looking at you here. Don’t play me like that.

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